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4×4 Studio Shoot

Shoot Experience This has been one of our favourite shoots so far. Our client contacted us to shoot 2 sets of photos for 2 cars that they would be using to start a car rental company. Our client wanted both cars shot in studio because they needed photos of high quality. These photos would be used on their new website to start with, because of this we also provided web optimised versions of all the photos as well as deep etched PNG photos. Shooting in studio is always a challenging but enjoyable experience for us. It really allows us to control the lighting environment and acheive the exact lighting that we require for high end photos. One of the biggest challenges that we were faced with during this shoot was time, since we had to shoot so many extra features on these vehicles that most other vehicles don't have, we underestimated how much extra time was required for the uniqueness of this shoot. Normally 1 full day for 2 cars is doable, so these two were a bit of a squeeze. At the end of the day, we were all happy with how the shoot went. The photos were delivered to our happy client a week later. Below are some examples of the photos after our post production had been completed.

Audi TT

Shoot Experience Some of our clients didn't know that we offer simpler, less sophisticated shoots. Sometimes something simple and quick is all that's needed but because most are used to seeing our high-end art-like looking car shots, they simply aren't aware that we can do something less expensive in a shorter time frame. Their response is usually something like "oh, we didn't know" A new client approached us via instagram, they didn't need anything fancy, they only needed good, simple photos that they could use to sell their car. Of course we were happy to help! We often like the simple shoots too. For this shoot, we used a simple client-convenient location that had good lighting. The main aim of this shoot wasn't to make the car look super arty and glamorous but rather to show off its details in crisp photos and to present the car in it's best form using good composition and complimentary angles. We mainly focused on getting detail shots while including a few main exterior shots. It's always important to understand how the photos will be used by a client, this allows us to produce better photos for their use; in this case we understood that detail shots would be perfect for displaying the kind of condition and cleanliness the car was in... If a potential buyer can clearly see this in the photos, they will also have a clearer understanding of how good the car is, this then obviously helps sell the car quicker. For all of the exterior shots, we used whatever light that was available, for the interior a Nissin off-camera flash is used, this is only because the interior doesn't receive enough light, this gives better light anyway The final photos were delivered early to a happy client, this is always the best part.

EMS Helicopter Shoot

Shoot Experience We were commissioned by RotorTrade, an international client of ours based in Singapore. They sell helicopters all over the world, they are a global helicopter distributor. They contacted us when they needed to list an EMS helicopter which was based here in South Africa. They already had photos of the helicopter from their client but they needed something of a higher quality; they also required a video to be produced in order to show the details and extra features of the Helicopter. We handled all the photography and video production for this shoot. Whilst our client didn't need anything extra special from us, we always try to produce something that look better than average. Given the conditions to shoot in, we were a little limited in terms of what we could achieve creatively. Post production played a large part in making the photos look a bit above average, a lot of background cleanup was performed, we didn't want anything distracting from the main subject, I find that often my eyes wonder in photos because of this, I like to clean up my backgrounds a lot. All of the photography and video had to be shot in natural light, this was mainly due to the available spaces where the helicopter could be shot. The client also requested that we shot the helicopter outside of the hanger instead of inside. The shoot turned out to be a complete success, the photos were delivered on time to a happy client. We always pride ourselves on client satisfaction, we truly believe this is of the utmost importance.

Golf Cart Shoot

Shoot Experience This was a unique shoot for us. Our client originally searched for an Automotive photographer because they had no idea who would be suitable for shooting golf carts. They easily found us via Google and had seen that we also shoot other types of commercial photography. The client wanted a new set of image assets that would be used in multiple forms of advertising and media. The purpose of the shoot was to advertise a new set of carts they were now selling, they also wanted a new look and feel to their photos. Naturally, we delivered a set of higher quality photos to them. Due to transport costs and complications, we had to shoot all the carts from the basement of the clients premises. Luckily this didn't create any major challenges with the shoot, we are quite experienced shooting in these types of environments. This did however mean that the backgrounds would have to be added in post production. this did unfortunately delay us delivering the photos as each cart would have to be deep etched. We always do this with a high level of accuracy as this can easily effect the final product. Innitially, we didn't consider that this would be any more challenging than a typical car, however, golf carts have a lot of tiny intricate areas that need to be cut out; there were photos where we even had to cut out the hole in the keys where the key-ring goes through. We care about attention to detail so we absolutely couldn't skip this. But the challenges didn't end there, we also had to mimic realistic reflections in the windshields. This was because we ended up with some photos having messy reflections due to the shoot location; after all, we weren't in a perfectly lit studio. Our client wanted the final photos to have both dark and white backgrounds, each had their own set of techniques and challenges as the shadows and lighting for each is unique; the only thing each different shot had in common was the cart which was deep etched in the previous post production process. Each background's shadow and lighting had to be created from scratch, we only had a basic outline of the shadows from the photos that were shot. Despite all the challenges with this shoot, we're extremely satisfied with the final shots, they're exactly what we strive…

Mitsubishi Triton Shoot

Shoot Experience Mitsubishi South Africa reached out to us because they wanted to shoot a new set of image assets for their Triton Extreme model. They already had some photos shot of the Triton however they were looking for something that would take their marketing to the next level, most of their existing media for their vehicles looked somewhat generic which meant that their photos looked very similar to other brands. They wanted to stand out more. They also had some image assets from Mitsubishi in Japan but these images don't always show some of the extra features that the South African Variants have. Our client commissioned us to shoot 3 different scenes and for the Triton Xtreme, this was to show the different environments where the Triton would be suitable. Whenever we are commissioned for a shoot, we try our best to be quick and efficient with our shoots as well as our communications with our clients, this helps us get through a lot of details in a short space of time, this also helps to construct an accurate brief in order to reach our clients specific goals. We also believe that this makes the whole process easier for our clients. We started off with shooting natural light shots in an urban environment, followed by a forest scene also shot in natural light. This already shows how adaptable the Triton is in both Urban and more "natural" environments. The next set of photos that we set out to create was the rolling shots, after so many years of shooting cars, rolling shots are still some of my favourite photos to create, naturally because of this, we have the method practiced very well! The above photo was chosen as a Hero shot. Unfortunately the rolling shots weren't without their challenges, we had decided to shoot on a road which we had used with a lot of success in the past as this road was generally very quiet with good scenery, however upon our return, we had found that a lot of new developments in the area had been constructed which made this road a lot busier than our last time. Nonetheless we managed to get some really good shots from this location. Finally we set out to shoot the most challenging type of shoot of the 3 scenarios, the final shoot would be shot in a warehouse. This shoot was…

Bidship | A Transport & Logistics Company

Shoot Experience This shoot to date has been one of our most challenging shoots; mainly because of time constraints. We were commissioned by our client to shoot some of their fleet as well as their staff. being a logistics company, vehicles often weren't available long enough for the time we needed them for, this also meant that we would have to split this project into 2 shoots. The size of the vehicles also added to the challenge. For our first shoot, we had to get some rolling shots done however, there weren't a lot roads which were quiet enough and had a nice enough background for the shots we had envisioned. One of my favourite methods of finding nice roads for rolling shots is to look at Google Maps on satellite view, luckily this trick worked once again, a drive to our chosen road ahead of the shoot confirmed that it would be an ideal location. We managed to get the rolling shots done in less time than we had estimated, having a good location definitely helped this. For the second shoot, we planned to shoot employee portraits, we wanted to photograph them in action, this is often a good option for service based businesses. When we arrived at Bidship's warehouse, my assistant and I walked the grounds searching for the best areas to shoot in; we looked for good lighting opportunities to see how we could best utilise what was available to us. We decided to shoot inside the warehouse, this had a good amount of natural light flowing in but also wasn't too bright. Once we had a clear direction for the shoot, we set up our lighting and coordinated the employees and vehicles where we felt they would work best. Once we were satisfied with our shots in the warehouse, we hit the road once again to get some extra rolling shots with BidShip's newest vehicle. I again used Google's satellite view to find a good road near the warehouse. This time we found a road that went through some farmland about 10 minutes from the warehouse. My assistant managed get some footage behind the scenes from the cab of the truck during the rolling shots. He also managed to get some amazing shots of the driver during the rolling shots, these turned out to be some of the best photos from the day. Bidship was founded…

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